Let the silence speak Tomas Grootveld27 January 2025vipassana, meditation, silence, silentretreat, retreat, blog, journal, journalling, diary, selfcare Comments
From the North Sea to Tahiti Tomas Grootveld28 February 2024blog, waterphotography, surf, aquatech, waterhousing, teahupoo, tahiiti.Comment
There is peace in the trees Tomas Grootveld26 October 2022sweden, forest, mushroom, forraging, roadtripComment
The Journey Tomas Grootveld27 August 2022surf, surflife, personaldiary, lifejourney, coldwatersurf, surftherapy Comment
Dried meat and alcohol Tomas Grootveld4 June 2022switzerland, swiss, valais, heremence, dutchinswitzerland, livingabroad, alps, swissalps, mountainlife, thejamesbrand, edc, bejames Comments
That old pair of jeans Tomas Grootveld24 January 2022vlieland, surf, surfholland, coldwatersurf, surfvlieland, waddeneiland, noordzee, noordzeesurf, northseajuice, nopalmtreesComment
Reflections Tomas Grootveld3 November 2021autumn, november, seastories, tomasgrootveld, writing, journal, writer, blog, blogging, sony, sonyalpha, vlielandComment
Westzuidwest Tomas Grootveld30 July 2021surf, vlieland, noordzee, coldwatersurf, surfvlieland, surfanaComment
Cacti & corona Tomas Grootveld5 June 2020mexico, baja, bajacalifornia, bajacaliforniasurf, diary, personalblog, surfing, journal, journalism, adventure, adventurestories Comments
To live and let go Tomas Grootveld31 March 2020hawaii, oahu, surfing, tomasgrootveld, seastories, journal, diary, personalblog, lifelessons, northshore Comments
Eb & vloed Tomas Grootveld23 August 2019schrijfsel, storytelling, personalstuff, tomasgrootveld, quote, levennadedood, schrijver, dailylife, Leven, Tomas, consiousness, journalComment
Hier ben je veilig Tomas Grootveld1 August 2019storytelling, schrijfsel, personalstuff, tomasgrootveld, quote, schrijver, sweden, grootveld, schrijven, Iseastories, blogging, dailylife, vlog, reality, photography, Levensverhaal, Dagelijksleven, Diary, journal Comment